Sunday, January 31, 2021

How to Make a Candle from an Orange peels


Make a Lamp from an Orange peel.

How to Make a Candle from an Orange peels

 Background | Ingredients | Method 

If you have not tried before so I m sure that this blog is going to interesting for you as it will encourage you to give a try to make orange peel candle which is quite easy and unique to give to natural feeling around you . well oranges are most demanding and easily available fruit and this is not limited to this health benefits , Its peels are magical and you are interested to know how to use this for different ways to check  27 Effective Use of orange peel

And for making these peels candles you need nothing apart peels rest I am sure is available in every ones kitchen. So let’s get start.


Well you can make candles with any citrus like lemons and so on. And you want to know how to make out it so do let me know in comment box will share this with you.

The most important thing is that there should be no holes in at least one half of the peel.



1) Orange, Lemon
2) Pointed Knife
3) any type of oil like Vegetable, Olive, Canola, 



1) Start by cutting the orange in half. But make sure do not cut all the way through the orange .

2) Be sure to leave the stem on the inside of the orange intact. The best way to remove the fruit from the peel is to cut around the peel with your knife.

3) Then you use your gently fingers to separate the fruit from the peel and work your way around the entire orange. The fruit should break away from the peel, exposing the stem.

4) Pour your choice of oil into the empty orange peel, filling it up roughly halfway.

5) Here I want to mention as shown when filling oil do not forgot to coat the stem while you pour,

6) Let the orange sit for a few minutes. You have to give the peel and stem some time to soak up some of the oil; otherwise it won't burn or stay lit.

7) Meanwhile we will shape the other half of peel by hollowing the center and cutting a circle in top and you can experiment it with making any shape which you like.

8) After a few minutes, with the help of match stick or lighter to light the tip of the stem. It can take quite a bit of effort to get the stem to light, but it will burn for 2 hours once it's lit

There are excellent use of making peels with like orange peel powder, orange essential oil , orange peel soap , orange peel cream , orange peel toner , orange peel freshener, orange peel face wash these are natural and super effective so give a try and other that if you want any other uses of peels me to share will you so let me know I comment box which one you are going to use .   





If you have any doubts , feel free to let us know in comment box.

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